Replacement of windows and doors is the responsibility of owners. Only NEW CONSTRUCTION type windows and doors with a WELDED NAILING FLANGE and NO "J" CHANNEL that are BRONZE (dark brown) or ALMOND (Tan) in color are allowed. Paint to match windows are also allowed. The original windows at Spence's Point were dark brown and over the years they faded to tan. There are some white windows that were installed years ago prior to guidelines being established, but they were deemed to be a major change to the exterior of the building which is not allowed by the Master Deed.
The COC requires specific methods for installation and trim on the exterior of windows. The Window Guidelines can be found in the Documents section of the website and on the Home Page - left column at the top.
Owners are encouraged to replace all 30+ year old windows BEFORE they leak since they are completely energy inefficient and potentially cause water to leak behind the siding and damage the building structure.